producing health

Does Failure Gives Success?

Came across this today, a discussion of the role of failure as a scientist.

This isn’t the only example of failure being labelled requisite for success. For instance, MJ in his famous Nike commercial:

I’ve missed more than 9000 shots in my career. I’ve lost almost 300 games. 26 times, I’ve been trusted to take the game winning shot and missed. I’ve failed over and over and over again in my life. And that is why I succeed.

And later:

I can accept failure, everyone fails at something. But I can’t accept not trying.

Then there’s Thomas J. Watson (IBM):

Would you like me to give you a formula for success? It’s quite simple, really: double your rate of failure.

Then the common adage:

If at first you don’t succeed… try, try again.

And on and on. But how do we know that this is actually true? It could be that successful people touting their failure are just talented people who only remember their failures.

I happen to believe these recommendations are true, and useful. But I’m more interested in if it could be proven in a more formal (i.e. probabilistic) way. This way we could use the formalization to determine what are the best ways to fail, in order to succeed. (Or at the very least build a logical/ reasonable intuition that it’s a better way forward than relying strictly on talent, and/ or sticking to your comfort zone.)

Niave Approaches

At first thought it might seem pretty obvious: more trials means more opportunities to hit success. Assuming your chances of success/ failure are independent at each trial, then it follows that adding trials increases the chance of hitting success.

More formally, this could follow a geometric distribution with success rate \(p\), failure rate \((1-p)\), where your probability of needing \(k\) trials to hit your first success is \((1-p)^{k-1}p\). And so by complement the chances of your having success by the \(k\)th trial is \(1 - (1-p)^{k-1}p\). Clearly for \(k\) large, this gets closer and closer to 1.

Except, this is really an over-simplification. Success isn’t usually some event you need only hit once, like a lottery. Mike wasn’t trying to make one shot, or win one game.

Instead then maybe we model this as a binomial, which is an extension of a geometric in that it quantifies the probability of more than one success within of some number of trials. Precisely, the probability of \(k\) successes in \(n\) trials for is \((1-p)^{n-k}p^k\).

So is this what we want? As we increase \(n\), the mean of the distribution (i.e. the average probability of success over all \(k\)) is \(np\). Which means indeed our average success is proportional to how many times we try.


But this too is far from complete. This means that our average success is still proportional to \(p\), our individual trial success rate. So if this is small we have to try more (make \(n\) larger) to get the same average success than if \(p\) were larger. And with lower values of \(p\), it becomes increasingly prohibitive of larger amounts of success.

Further, we’re still assuming independence of events, which isn’t what we want. We want to allow \(p\) to change from event to event.

In other words, we’re not interested in achieving some success level within some small amount of time; for instance, wanting to score the most points of anyone during a single game (where each shot is probably independent). We want some success level over the course of many games, where we can get better with each game (with some probability).

So a simple binomial isn’t our best bet either then. And our initial assumption of independence between trials is the issue at hand here.

The quotes above argue that our probability of success is exactly dependent upon our previous history of trials. Namely, the more we seek and experience failure, the more we are likely to succeed for any given trial in the future.1

So how would we model this? We need some process where from \(t \to t + 1\) our chance of success is updated \(p_t \to p_{t+1}\). And assuming we attempt a trial at \(t\), is improved over some distribution. And further, this degree of improvement is proportional to the degree to which we fail, or more specifically the number of failed trials, say \(k_f\), in some interval of our history \( \lbrace t-h,…,t-1 \rbrace \).

There’s definitely something to this and I believe it can be framed more readily as a learning, or evolution, process. Now this is something. This would allow for training to matter. It would make our initial probabilities (our talent) less relevant.

More on this to follow.

1. And some research has shown this, that world-class performers characteristically push themselves to a towards discomfort zones during practice, putting themselves more often in the realm of failure. See here. Return.